Go Fly A Kite!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Board time

Oh man, I am SO SORE. I haven't been this sore for a long, long time. I basically spent the majority of yesterday at Zuma, kiting. I bodydragged in the water a few times (I'm quite comfortable with this now), did the walk of shame a few times, then pulled out the woody board and helmet. Since Vic didn't have his helmet to give me a lesson, he told me "good luck". Mhm. I guess I'll get a lesson next time.

I can already visualize myself on the board with my kite, but the hard part was to get past the impact zone with the board in my hand. The darn thing kept going underwater, and since it was so big, I had trouble controlling it. Or maybe it was me? I tried to use it like a rutter when I was being towed out to see but the surf just kept pounding me, and the board kept going under. With the kite going one way and the board going the other way, I had to let go of one - I chose to keep my kite and ditched the board. I did crash the kite in the water once, BUT I managed to relaunch it in the water (woohoo!) without any problems. After trying to get out with the board 5 times and failing, I gave up and decided to call it a day. Then I found out from everyone else (except V-Dawg who does not want me to use a leash) that I should have had a leash on my board when getting out of the impact zone. What the... @!#$%!@!#$%*#! On top of that, there were a couple of guys on the beach who had spare leashes that I could have borrowed. That would have made my life SO MUCH EASIER! Note to self: when getting out past the impact zone when starting on the board, use a leash!

Next time, I'll have a leash, and I'll go past the impact zone with my board even if it takes me all day. I'm going to get on that board, damnit!


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